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What is the Salt Lake Shakespeare Society?
The Salt Lake Shakespeare Society, a 501(c)7 non-profit organization, is dedicated to the enjoyment and appreciation of Shakespeare and his times.  Members believe that studying liberal humanism leads us all to richer and more informed lives. Members are committed to sharing their dedication to the principles of the Society with our fellow citizens.
Why the name Shakespeare in your title?
The Society's membership shares a common love of Shakespearean writings and the history of those times. Shakespeare wrote during the English Reformation and this period is responsible for the ascendancy of English Humanism. His writings, and those of his colleagues, promoted the adoption of humanism as a philosophy.
How does one become a member of this Society?
Membership is based on payment of dues which show commitment to the Society's purposes. The Society welcomes any member who shares its Vision and Mission.
When I join what are the dues per year?
Individual membership dues are $100.00 per year.  Payment of the dues gives the member access to all regular monthly meetings, no additional cost admittance to all 'special events' the Society may sponsor and access to all study groups sessions at the then proscribed study class cost.  The member also has access to newsletter and all resources on the Society's web site.
A special student membership of $35.00 per year is available to full-time college and graduate students. 
Why join the Salt Lake Shakespeare Society
There are two reasons to join the Salt Lake Shakespeare Society. (1) You are a Shakespeare devotee.  Our members are dedicated admirers of all works which Shakespeare wrote. And, or (2) You are a person who believes the writings of Shakespeare and the works of his fellow English Humanist supporters in the times of English Humanistic development (the arts, the sciences) were critically important to the founding of the USA and our constitution. In short, you believe in the liberal arts as an enveloping cover of our society's way of conducting our day to day lives.
When I join am I expected to participate actively?
No.  When you join and pay your dues you are embraced as a supporter of the ideas our Society endorses. Our Society welcomes participants who eagerly accept our ideals as expressed in our Vision and Mission. Not all members have the time to take advantage of all the benefits of the society but they are not unwelcome. We are an inclusive Society which allows the individual to choose how much or how little he or she participates.
Do I have to know Shakespeare's works before I join?
No.  There is no knowing Shakespeare.  Shakespeare the writer showed us his characters and challenged each of us to know them based on our experiences. Our Society advocates that lack of precise knowledge of the writer in favor of each individual interpretation of what he wrote: that is how he did it.